
8.1 -执行

8.1.1 - 港务长特别路线


8.1.2 - 豁免/从规则的偏差


8.1.3 -石油港口管理局官员的监督/权力

  1. 石油港口管理局可委任监督与权力的官员执行这些条例的规定。这些可能包括除其他外,港务,港口官员和调查。
  2. 这些人须:
    1. 授权进入的区域和空间尽可能合理要求其履行职责。
    2. 授权检查和尽可能合理需要的在执行任务时要复制的文件。
    3. 获授权使用其仪器进行测量、收集证据及抽取物质样本,以符合执行职务的合理需要。(任何采集的样本或收集到的物证都将尽可能归还给拥有物质或证据所有权的人。)
    4. 授权发布指令,下达命令,停止活动有序,健康与安全的利益,在与它们被任命为负责人的规章制度连接。
  3. 谁的指令是由这样的官员解决的人,应毫不迟延地采取相应的行动。

8.1.4 - 合作义务,并提供信息


8.1.5 -允许PPA官员进入空间和场所

In the event that the Petroleum Ports Authority or Harbour Master consider it necessary, the Harbour Master is duly authorized to enter premises and board the Vessel to carry out a full inspection of all parts of the premises or Vessel with or without the Master’s consent or agreement.

8.1.6 -防止船舶离境和滞留

  1. Where the Petroleum Ports Authority or Harbour Master or it’s delegated representative has reasonable reason to believe that a marine pollutant has been discharged from a Vessel within the Ports, or whilst within coastal and/or territorial waters, the Petroleum Ports Authority may, with an appropriate order from the Abu Dhabi Court or other competent authority, prevent the departure of the Vessel or cause the Vessel to be detained in Port until the owner or Agent of the Vessel deposits with the Petroleum Ports Authority or otherwise to its satisfaction, an acceptable bank guarantee or, at its sole discretion, an acceptable Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Club letter of undertaking which, in the opinion of the Petroleum Ports Authority, shall be adequate to meet the owner's liability and the costs incurred in removing the marine pollutant from the Port, coastal and territorial waters of Abu Dhabi. Any delay in providing such security which, as a consequence, causes a delay to the Vessel’s departure will cause a charge to be incurred, at the rate set out in Article 3.2.5(iv).
  2. 石油港口当局有权阻止其出发的船的意见造成损害的人,码头或安装设备,在港口,在港口水域或导致港口、环境或未能支付任何合法的费用,包括但不限于港口税、港口费用、罚款、直到船舶所有人或代理人向石油港口管理局存入一笔钱,或以其他方式使其满意,或提供石油港口管理局认为足以应付船东责任的等额担保为止。

8.1.7 - 上诉/司法审查

  1. 由本公司作出的决定或行动感到受屈的人,石油港务局和/或港口大师依照本条例的,可以在这样的决策或行动后的30个日历天已经呈现或采取分别适用于阿布扎比的法院雷竞技最新app,在支付所需的诉讼费。阿布扎比雷竞技最新app法院拥有专属管辖权。
  2. 阿布扎比雷竞技最新app法院可能会搁置它发现的一项决定:
    1. 随心所欲,自由裁量权的滥用或不与法律相一致;要么
    2. 不符合规定程序的;要么
    3. 通过大量的证据不支持。
  3. 阿布扎比法院的裁决是终局的,具有约束力。雷竞技最新app

8.2 - 最后条款

8.2.1 - 现有文档


8.2.2 -生效日期
